Friday, April 2, 2010

Free website visitor tracker, web stats - StatCounter

Do you ever tried to know how many people are visiting your blog, or where they come from? You can track the visitor stats using web tracker sites like Google Analytics, Site Meter, StatCounter. Web stats are useful in optimization of your blog.

There are many sites which provide stats on blogs or websites. But I use and recommend statcounter because it is simple, more informative, free service, real-time stats and easy to install. StatCounter is offering both invisible and visible trackers.

Steps to be followed to install visitor tracker:
Statcounter working process
Working of StatCounter
  1. Register an account in StatCounter.
  2. Create a Project. There you will be given one tiny HTML and Javascript code.
  3. Insert the code on your blog or website. For blogger, Go to Design, add a HTML / JavaScript gadget, and copy the StatCounter code into the gadget.  Position the gadget where you wish, like you did the other gadgets.
  4. Now you can analyze your stats.
StatCounter Visitor reports includes:
  • Date and time of visit.
  • Ip address.
  • Browser details.
  • Operating system info.
  • Screen resolution.
  • Referring link.
  • Search query details.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Meta tag helps your blog in Search Engine Promotion

Meta tags are important for Search Engine Optimization because Google and other search engines might use them as snippets for your pages. A page description Meta tag gives summary of what the page is about.  It might be a sentence or two or a short paragraph. It might help search engines to find content and to matching up with a user's search query. 

Structure of Meta tags for description and keywords:
<meta name="description" content="Description of your blog"/>
<meta name="keywords" content="Keywords related to your blog"/>
Keywords should be separated by commas

Add a Meta tag in to your HTML:
1. Modify the colored text, according to your blog.
2. Open Blogger Dashboard in blogger --->> Next click your blog Design option --->> click Edit HTML.
3. Find <head/> tag and Paste Meta Tag just below it. Click Save Template.
Meta tag guide
You should remember following things:
  1.  Don't fill description with only keywords.Search engines will ban your site from their listing. So use distinct,related and informative description.
  2. Avoid writing a description Meta tag that has no relation to the content of your blog.
  3. Using generic descriptions like "Page about"or "This is a web page" are not recommended.
  4. Don't Copy and paste the entire content of the posts into the description Meta tag.
  5. Repeating keywords again and again may give negative result.  

Monday, March 8, 2010

Get your Research paper in

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Optimize your blog images and code for search engines

This time, I 'm explaining about Image Search Optimization (ISO). It is the way to drive organic traffic from image search engines. If you observe HTML code of images, you will find "alt" attribute; other wise you can insert it to the code.  The "alt" attribute allows you to specify alternative text for the image.  If the image cannot be displayed for some reason, then the text of the "alt" attribute provides information about image.
HTML code of images
Alt content helps your pictures to index in image search results. Proper alt text and file-name makes it easier for image search projects like Google Image Search to better understand and search bots can easily crawl your images. Effect of alt text was showed in below image.
Image was not displayed to the user for some reason, but text was there.

Optimizing tips to be followed:
  • File names and alt text should be brief, short and descriptive. Don't give generic file names like "img.jpg", "pic1.gif", "1.jpg.  Avoid writing extremely lengthy file names and pasting entire sentences.
  • Use commonly supported file types like JPEG, GIF, PNG, and BMP formats.
  • Reduce your images size because images of low size can load fast. Use Image optimization tool to compress your image size without affecting image quality or use any photo-shop software.    

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How do I move a blog between two Google accounts?

Process of moving a blog between gmail/Google accounts:

1. Sign in to Blogger with Google account-1, containing the blog which you'd like to move.
2. Now Open Dashboard, go to the Settings --->> Permissions tab.
Blogger Guide
3. Click the Add Authors button and send an invitation to the Google account-2.
4. Now log in to Gmail of Google account-2; click on the confirmation link that you have received and accept invitation (use a different browser).
5. Go back to the Dashboard of Google account-1 and open Settings --->> Permissions tab.
6. Click the grant admin privileges link to give Administrator privilege to the Google account-2.
7. Again go to the Blogger Dashboard ---> Settings --->> Permissions of Google account-2 and remove the Google account-1 from Blogger.
8. Your blog is moved to your destination account.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Drive more traffic using Bing Webmaster Center Tools

Microsoft is offering free Bing Webmaster Tools to improve your website. It can help your blog in getting indexed by Bing search engine and Drives more organic traffic. By Submitting a site map, It gives detailed reports about websites link to your site or blog (back links).  Bing webmaster center provides statistics about your sites. Here you can identify any issues that Bing encountered while crawling your site or blog.

Submit your website to Bing:

1. Open Bing Webmaster  page  here.
2. Sign in to Webmaster Tools using Windows Live ID like hotmail.
3. Click on Add a Site and enter required details like blog address and sitemap address. Now click on submit.
Bing webmaster guide
4. Authenticate your ownership of your blog by inserting a Meta Tag into HTML. For this copy the Meta tag and follow below mentioned procedure.
Bing webmaster center
5. Now open Dashboard in Blogger --->> Next click your blog Design option --->> then click Edit HTML.
6. Find <head> tag (click ctrl+f to search it) and Paste Meta Tag just below it. Click Save Template.
HTML Guide
7. Now click on Return to Site List. You have added your blog and wait for improvement.

You can also make use of Google Webmaster Tools that helps you in bringing more organic traffic from Google search.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Improve Your Blog Visibility on Yahoo Search - Site Explorer

Yahoo! - Site Explorer allows you to explore all the web pages indexed by Yahoo Search Engine.  It also improves your pages Visibility on yahoo search results.  It will give an idea about the most popular pages from your site.  By submitting a Site Map or feed URL, You can find pages that link to your site and out linked from your Site.  It is Similar to Google Webmaster Tools

Add a Site or Blog to Yahoo! - Site Explorer:

1. Sign in to Yahoo! using your existing Yahoo! ID details or Sign up for new account.
2. Now open Yahoo! - Site Explorer   and enter your Site or Blog URL in appeared box. Then click Add My Site.
yahoo site explorer guide
3. You have to authenticate your site.  For this,    you go for 2nd procedure   By adding a META tag to my home page.  Copy the Meta tag and add a backslash ' / ' before  ' > '.   Don't close this page.   Have a look on Screen shot.
Yahoo meta guide
Don't forget to add slash, Otherwise it shows XML error.
Example Tag:  <META name="y_key" content="ebc9d2f7530798e8"/>
4. Now open Blogger Dashboard in your blogger account --->> Next click your blog Design  option --->> then click  Edit HTML.
5.  Find <head> tag and Paste Meta Tag just below it.  Click Save Template.
6. Now come to Yahoo! - Site Explorer and click Ready to Authenticate.

Add a Site feed or Site map to Yahoo! - Site Explorer:

7. In Yahoo! - Site Explorer, open Feeds under your site and enter your feed URL path as rss.xml. For better understanding, see screen-shot guide. Now click on Add Feed
8. You have done it. Effects don't appear in one day. It takes several days to get good results.

Note: Yahoo - Site Explorer was permanently merged with Bing webmaster tools.